Sunday, October 26, 2008

Slacky McSlackerson

Yep, that's me. I'm a bad blogger, I know. I've just been enjoying doing nothing lately, I have to confess. No real excuse.

This weekend I bought some art for my office:

And I am going to order this one from to fill the last bare space on my wall:

All with nice black frames. The walls have been bare for a few months so it'll be nice to get something up finally.

I'm still trying to get up the motivation to develop some photos to fill all of the empty frames I have hanging around here. Maybe tonight's the night... we'll see. The season finale of my favourite show is on so I may not get around to it.

I'm heading to Vancouver on Tuesday for a few days after a nice stretch of being at home. Then back for Hallowe'en and we're into November. I will be taking a couple of shots at skiing at Canada Olympic Park before the real skiing starts up and I have to deal with actual mountains.

In other news, I am a student again - finally got registered in my first couple of classes at Athabasca University, hoping to finish my effing degree already. After transfer credits, I have 13 courses to go. The nice thing is that it's a distance learning university so even if we up and move again, I can finish it from anywhere.

Keep reading, I will be back more often, I promise!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election Night in Canada

Here it is. Election Day.

As Rick Mercer so eloquently put it, the day on which there's nothing left for the candidates to do but get into the fetal position and wait for what happens.

I proudly cast my ballot today, secure in the knowledge that while I may be a little drop in a big pond, but dammit, at least someone, somewhere, will know that there is at least one Liberal in Alberta. (Gregg won't tell me who he voted for. pokpok)

So in my riding of Calgary-Nose Hill, Diane Ablonczy has won the past 5 federal elections under the Reform, Canadian Alliance, and Conservative banners. Last election, she won by 28,372 votes. This is the woman who was recently quoted in the newspaper saying that Preston Manning is her political hero.



I take solace in the knowledge that while we're deep down in Conservative territory here, the rest of the country is not so cut and dry. I will definitely be glued to the tv, hoping for an upset... or perhaps a coalition government?? setan