Saturday, February 21, 2009

The staycation begins

After a week of brutal illness and stupid work demands, I am super happy to be on holidays for a week. I had to work until 7 last night to get everything done but it is all worth it. I will not check my work email and have turned the Blackberry off and hidden it in a drawer. Hooray!

I think it was the weather that made me sick. After 3 glorious sunny and warm days in Vancouver, I boarded a plane back to Calgary and landed an hour later in -15 and flurries. Ugh. I know it's only February, but I am sick.and.tired of winter. pokpok I need to live somewhere that has approx. 4 weeks of winter weather per year, squarely centered around Christmas.

Anyhoo, this week's plan: work on (aka START) my ethics course that is supposed to be halfway done by now. Oops. Also, work on my communications course (with that one, I'm right on schedule. Love the bird courses!) Get my nails and hair done. Clean house (ugh). Maybe, if the weather is nice, head down to Medicine Hat to visit my grandparents and see my friends' new baby (GOT to see the BA-BY... lol) and drop off the cutest clothes in the universe that I bought her in Vancouver. It is a good thing I have no kids, I'd be broke in no time flat buying all those cutey little clothes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

This blog is driving me nuts

I am trying my damnedest to upload some photos here and it is not working out for me. tension

This past week, Gregg was away for work and I took the opportunity to redo our bedroom. Everything was brown and it was quite dark and yucky. Now it is beautiful and dreamy, just as a bedroom should be. And our bedroom furniture finally all matches!

The before and after are the aforementioned photos that will not upload properly, so I posted them on Facebook instead. Click here to check em out.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Poor pitiful me

I am all on my own this week, as my husband gallivants around the Big Smoke without me. I've been trying to catch up on housework and schoolwork, which is going okay. It is hard to get back into reading for school, but not that hard when I give myself the alternate option of hauling recycling to the depot.

I went to take a photo of my office which is finally done (mostly, anyway - I still have a wee bit of organizing to do but you won't be able to tell from the photo) but my camera is out of juice so you'll have to wait until the batteries charge.

I'm sure you're all at the edge of your seats.

In other news, the chinook is upon us and it's going to be 11 tomorrow and the next day. I sold some old crap on Kijiji. The cats miss Gregg but are nice to me because I feed them. I started a new diet today which is making me cranky but I am trying to focus on not looking like a beached whale when we go away in April. So far I am doing okay.

That's all I got for now.