Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am ready for summer

Especially after waking up to this crap this morning:

Yesterday, there was hardly any snow left on the ground. It's been quite warm all week, so I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly. But still. Come ON.

I realized today that I haven't posted any pictures of my office yet. It's kind of a mess so I'm still not gonna do it, but this is Jasper and Panda's favourite part of my new desk.

So, as you can see, still not much interesting going on at Casa di Braden. This past week was pretty busy at work for both of us, and the upcoming week likely will be too. I'm behind in my school work, because, I don't really want to do it. It's like pulling teeth. Only 11 more courses to go. gigil

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We are boring

Since we're stuck in the city all the time now, I have nothing exciting to talk about. I've been working, going to the gym (yes! it's true!!), shopping, working a little on my university stuff... that's about it. When I'm not daydreaming about our upcoming holiday, that is. 23 days and counting... sengihnampakgigi

I'll try to do something exciting soon so I can blog about it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My new leaf

Today I decided that with 34 days left til the cruise, I really need to start getting into shape. Weight loss is welcome, toning is required. So I picked up some new runners and some workout wear off the clearance rack at the local sports store. The Y near my house gave me 2 free passes to try it out, and then I will be joining up. My plan is to eat clean and work out thrice a week.

Bathing suit season, here I come!