- blog at least once a week. This year I had 34 posts, next year I'll have (at least) 52
- limit business travel to Vancouver only
- take a couple of nice holidays, thanks to my overtime and holidays that are being carried over
- really settle into this house. It's been a year and we've barely done anything - I am starting with the little spare room which will soon become my home office. Then there's some painting and minor repairs to do before we move to the big stuff which needs to be contracted out - windows, doors, fence, landscaping, oh my.
- start eating healthier and getting more exercise
- get going on my university courses!
Let's see.
- I made 26 blog entries in 2009 - so only 50% on that. That's still a passing grade, right?
- I travelled to Vancouver, indeedy I did. Last year I spent about 7 weeks in Vancouver - and made one extra stop in Victoria, which was nice. I also, sadly, had to go to Ottawa for 4 days in late October and I seem to recall a brief trip to Edmonton for a meeting. I am happily now on a business travel embargo until March 2010. Except for a day in Regina. Hmph.
- As for holidays, I went on the cruise in March, to Toronto in August, to Toronto and NYC in October, took a couple of road trips to Medicine Hat and went on a couple camping weekends very close to home. I'd say the cruise and NYC trip fulfill this one nicely.
- I finished my office (mostly anyway) and got the spare room fit for company. We have the windows and doors ordered, to be installed in January, and had the landscaping done in June. Never did get around to the fence, but that's tops on the list for 2010. We also got some new furniture and whipped the basement into shape. I'm so very pleased with our house now, I'll have to post some pictures, when it's clean, I mean. Ha.
- I think the healthy eating and exercise was probably the lowest on my list. I did go through a few healthy phases throughout the year, but considering that I've not used my gym membership since August (eep), I think I deserve a fail here. This year I got Wii Fit for Christmas so I'm hoping to get into a routine with that in January.
- On the university front, I completed almost 6 courses this year, of 13 total: Professional Ethics, Business Communications, Administrative Law, Canada's Legal System, Employment Law and am just wrapping up Administrative Principles. 7 more on tap for 2010 as it is my resolution to Finish These Effing Courses Already and attend graduation in June 2011 (it's only held once a year - but I will have until April 2011 to actually complete all coursework and still be able to grad in 2011). I started this degree at Ryerson in 2004 - I may just receive the award for longest undergraduate degree taken of all time.
So, that was 2009 in a nutshell. For 2010, I have the following goals:
- Finish university as mentioned.
- Become a little more financially responsible. I was tallying up all the money we've spent this past year between holidays and renos and the like and let's just say it was a spendy year. We paid in full and still saved a little, but overall 2009 was definitely the year of living large and consuming plenty. We've already declared January as No-Spend Month - we are buying essentials only and saving everything that's left to give 2010 a nice financial cushion. Of course, I've left myself a wee loophole as I will be able to spend a few gift cards I received for Christmas and my birthday so as not to go through complete shopping withdrawal. We also have lots of small projects and tasks around the house that need to get done so that's how we'll spend the month. That, and playing Wii.
- Buy a Tent Trailer. There, I said it. I have wanted one since we moved here and after 2 years of frigid mountain camping, I have the boy convinced. Just a wee second hand one that we can stow in the garage when not in use. I am hoping that this year, we can take some nice chunks of time in the summer and hopefully, we'll have some people come visit and we can tour around with them a bit (hint, hint).
- Get the fence done, maybe a few other small jobs around the house, but that will be about it. Unless, of course, the Home Renovation Tax Credit gets renewed... then we may look at a few other non-essential type renos.
And I'll be back this week with a few Christmas photos, I promise.