Monday, November 10, 2008

Things DO get better with age....

I have often heard people say that their 30s are the best years of their lives because they've figured themselves out and made their mistakes during their 20s. I always sort of thought my 20s were pretty good so I wrote that off as something that happens to other people.

I was thinking about it though and I really have learned a lot. I know how to take care of myself a hell of a lot better and certainly live more comfortably than I did at 20 (or 19.75, as the case may be). 10 years ago, I lived in a basement apartment with 2 roommates - it was a very nice apartment mind you, and I only paid $175/month. Ah, St. Catharines.

But I digress. I guess I was thinking about this because I am turning 30 next month which is a pretty big milestone. Your whole life you think back to certain times - 18, 21, 25, 30... I am pretty okay with it though. It's not like I have a screaming 20's club-goer lifestyle or anything. I expect that a month from now will be exactly like today.

I must admit though, the idea of being less than 10 years from 40 kind of makes me hah

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