Monday, May 25, 2009

Special Edition 50th Post

I logged in to do an update and noticed it's the 50th post!


(I can hear your applause through the interwebz.)

I guess this merits something special. I have an announcement that I've been holding back on, as I wanted to wait and see how it would all turn out.

Are you ready?


(No, I am not pregnant. I know this is the Special Edition 50th Post, but do you really think I would announce something like that on my blog?)


I am getting 7 weeks of leave with pay this summer to do schoolwork! AKA, lay on this lounge chair in my backyard tanning and reading, for most of the summer.

I plan to set up an umbrella and side table for my drinks as well.

Did I mention, I love my boss? sengihnampakgigi


Unknown said...

Our tax dollars at work yet again!

Kerry said...

"workin' for the government" ;-)

sk said...

I think in honour of your slave-to-the-man / working drone pals you should vow to be drunk every day by noon. That is all I have to say about your SEVEN (omG) weeks of leave.

Cheryl said...

Well, I DO have to finish 5 courses this summer. Not so sure how the drunk by noon part will fit into that. :)