Friday, June 19, 2009


I have a post written about my trip to Victoria but again I am having problems getting the pictures to load properly. For some reason, they upload in HUGE scale and do not display properly on the blog, even though I am using the same camera, procedure, web host, etc. I have to start from scratch and upload again or manually resize, which will take awhile. I'll do it on the weekend, fo sho.

Otherwise, let's see... our landscaping is fully underway, actually it is mostly done. The noise has driven me out of the house all week, so I am 'that person' with the laptop at Starbucks... actually, you can eat and drink at the public library here (weird!) and they have free wifi with the purchase of a library card (also weird, but only $12/year) so I prefer going there. The added bonus is that I can take 'breaks' and read magazines or look for novels to check out.

I was hoping to get down to Medicine Hat since it's Father's Day this weekend, but alas, not going to happen. We'll be staying in town hopefully enjoying some summer weather and not, you know, more hail like yesterday. At least these storms are fast and furious, they come and go within an hour. Yesterday the rain was coming down like it was being hurled out of the sky, mixed with hail, loud thunder, huge lightening. The sun came back out and our fence was actully steaming as the water evaporated. I wish I had taken a photo, it kind of looked like the fence was on fire.

So that's my update. I'll fix up those pics this weekend and post em. Happy Father's Day to the dads out there!

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