Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A new start for 2011

Yes, I am officially the Worst.Blogger.Ever. I haven't updated in 6 months. I don't have much of an excuse... Things were going kind of crappy vis a vis my grandfather's rapid decline in health and subsequent passing in July. I then had a fairly busy Fall including a business trip to Kingston, Jamaica and trying to finish a university course that I procrastinated starting on until the ultra last minute. I kept thinking of blogging but never actually getting round to it.

So. That brings me to the present. I've taken a leave of absence from work to do my Final Five Courses Ever! I will be off until late March and hopefully, very close to finished by then. I do have until June but hope to be done by April.

Right now I am staring at a stack of texts including::

- Public Budgeting in Canada
- Dismantling a Nation
- The Free Trade Adventure

and wondering why I ever started this degree in the first place. Argh.

Anyway, if you're still around, leave me a comment. I could use some human interaction once in awhile. I'm beyond making resolutions to blog more often, but, I'll do what I can.

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